Cycle of talks: The Arga and Aragon rivers: The changes experienced since the 20th century. Importance of a solid flow content and the incision process
4 December 2013The European Mink, plays a leading role on the “Tiramillas” website.
23 January 2014On the 13th and 14th December a new talk was held as part of the Cycle of talks organised by the Information Point. On this occasion, the speaker was Benjamín Sanz, a pioneering tracker in Spain, who gave guidelines for recognising the presence of mammals through their footprints and tracks.
The talk started at 7 pm with an introduction by Eva García of the CRANA and José Mar Pedrosa (a volunteer naturalist on the project). Later on, Benjamín gave information on the footprints of each of the mammals to be found in the Mink Territory. He also showed us the preferred spots for these mammals and the tracks that they generally leave, with their characteristics. After this theoretical part, he went on to show moulds of the footprints found at the sites.
On Saturday at 9 am, we went to the river at Peralta, to put into practice what we had learned the day before. We took a 4 hour walk through the Soto de la Muga, and were able to find tracks and footprints of the genet, marten, otter, mink, fox, boar, turtle, beaver, boar, rat, hedgehog.